Please contribute any amount for a 3D tour of the bunker 10-Z by means of a QR Payment. In doing so, you will be helping to keep people employed in our social enterprise. You can also send any amount by transfer to the account 2001142026/2010 for AMERFO o.p.s. (IBAN: CZ3120100000002001142026, BIC: FIOBCZPPXXX, Fio banka, a.s., V Celnici 1028/10, 117 21 Praha 1)
Buy yourself or your friends tickets to the tour or excursion, we’ll certainly be open in the summer.
Upon request, we’ll provide you with confirmation of your donation that is deductible from the tax base or invoice.
Please contact us if needed at
All unused entry tickets from the time of the government decree on closure remain valid.
3D tour of the bunker 10-Z on-line here.
The model of the bunker was created in cooperation with